Sunday, May 12, 2013

Directions in different languages, very useful
 Me at the entrance    
Hey Lila! I finally went to the Botanic gardens today!  I feel that the Botanic gardens is a perfect place for families with young children as there is a huge playground for them to play or they can also simply just walk around and take a leisurely stroll plus I saw quite a few families with young children and their grandparents jogging or having a picnic, a mother who I met said she like to bring her song to the gardens to let him enjoy all the scenery. It’s also a good place for the elderly to come and do some exercise and recreational activities, I saw a few groups of elderly people doing some sword exercise thingy or others just walking or jogging around the park, there was even a whole group of them who had come to visit the botanic gardens . There were also a couple of tourist walking around the Garden or jogging or doing some yoga, the tourists looked mostly in their 20's up or even older and they were mostly with their friends or spouses.

It was spectacular and just as every bit beautiful as they say on Trip advisor and other reviews, no wonder its often ranked as one of the top 10 or 20 places to visit in Singapore . There's so much unspoilt beauty there, all sorts of plants and flowers that you hardly ever get to see in Singapore or in other countries. It’s really a perfect place to come and get away from the hustle and bustle of the stressful city life, while I was there I hadn’t realize time passing by so fast because I was really enjoying all the beautiful scenery, since you’re coming here on vacation and a vacation is suppose a be a time for relaxation, I think you will enjoy taking a stroll in the park , it’s almost as if you've been transported to the world of our childhood within a magical forest home to pixies and fairies .
 Me and my sis at the water fall

Morning Glory                                        


 Plus in a country where cost is continuing to rise, it’s really nice to enjoy an attraction which doesn’t need any exorbitant fee to enter. I think what really draws people to this place  is the tranquillity and natural beauty of this place which you hardly get to find in the city plus it is also a great time to go do some exercise to de stress or just spend time with your family and friends . Not only that , because of its beauty it’s a perfect place to take photographs as I saw  a few photographers going around taking photos of the flowers and there was even a couple taking their engagement photos ! So you don’t necessarily need to be a nature lover to enter this place!

Also just a note to add on When I was researching the Botanic Gardens, I realised that its classified as a attraction not made for tourism as well as a publicly owned attraction from the official website, it states that its role is not only to attract tourist but to educate others about nature . I also classify this as a publicly owned attraction as its main piorities are too conserve the natural beauty of nature as well as to educate the public and allow the public free acess to the park . Also the Botanic Gardens is important to the tourism sector as tour operators can arrange for hoilidays to Singapore and Botanic Gardens can be included in the package as part of it .

Now as for the three levels of the attraction product firstly would be the core product which is the tranquility and natural beauty of the Botanic Gardens that draws people there which you dont normally find in Singapore. As for the Tangible product of the Botanic Gardens its is the plants,ponds and the layout of the garden as well as the cleanliness of the garden while finally the augmented product is like wheather the weather is good enough to visit , is there enough space for cars to park at the car park , is there enough food stalls providing food and beverage to visitors and  weather it is easy to acess

Right now I see the Botanic gardens in the maturity stage as it is still fairly popular with a fair amount of people visiting it on a Saturday but they also want to continue to increase visitorship and notlose its appeal and reach the decline stage so they are building more new gardens to encourage more visitorship . And the money they earn to keep the park going probably comes from  the sale of souvenirs and food from the food court

I think the benefits you will enjoy in the garden is the atmosphere and traqulity of the geardens as well as all the plants and flowers you get too see, smell and touch with your own hands which brings you even closer to nature

Furthermore I think what makes this attraction unique is that you can hardly find anything else like this in Singapore or any parts of the of the world I mean sure you can often find aquariums, zoos and shopping malls which are pretty similar to each other but really how often do you get to find a huge Garden filled with unique plants and with so much natural beauty? Plus its even been recommended as a UNESCO heritage site by the UN, to be recommended for such a prestigious title just goes to show how much heritage and importance this garden is. While I was there, there were many uncles often busy clearing the leaves so as to keep the garden clean and there were quite a few volunteer guides giving free tours guides of the park and the aunties selling drinks were very nice, when my sister and I got lost and couldn’t figure out the direction on how to get to the Swan Lake one of them pointed out the direction and explained to us how to get there. There were quite a few people at the park, while my sister and I were watching the fishes at the lake, a lady offered us some fish food to feed the fish and she even stroked up a conversation with us. It was a really nice gesture of her. But that dooesnt mean it will always be the same everytime you visit it, perhaps on the day you go it happended to rain or that you meet some selfish people who dont leash their dogs properly and attack you ? Or what if the water coolers weren;t working that day and you couldnt refill your water bottle ? Plus this product is perishible which means it cannot be stored, you cant go to the Botanic Gardens halfway and say "Oh I will just come back another day and finish where I left of my trail cause I'm too tired"
You cant store an attraction and leave it for another day .
Also people weren't just there to enjoy the scenery, there were others jogging, doing yoga, having a picnic with the family or playing with their dogs! There are so many things to do in this park plus, they even offered free volunteer guided tours in English, Chinese and Japanese! This is really a great way to cater to different tourist from other countries.
Also you cant like touch the attraction and bring it home , so there are no tangible products to carry home, plus unlike buying a good in which you get to check for defects before buying it , you cant check an attraction before purchasing it the most you can do is just look at reviews from other people and decide for yourself if you want to take the risk and go to the attraction. And if you have a sucky time there , you cant return the experience of being in the attraction its not the same as returning a defect product . Or if you're a rich person you can go to the Sovenir shop and buy gold orchid jewerllery or silk scarves to commemorate your visit to the Botanic Gardens

Feeding the fishes
The surroundings of this Park is also a service of the attraction, while I was there the surroundings of the park was amazing with all the flowers, lakes , trees that made you feel so in tuned with nature and you reall get lost in your own world just absorbing all the wonders this place has to offer  

Hi ! Im here !

Huge water lillies

But of course when I went there, it was a nice sunny day but I can imagine what would happen if it started to rain. There were hardly any shelters at the park and its quite huge, by the time people ran to the food court or back to the MRT for shelter they would have probably been soaked to the bone! So during the rainy season in Singapore I guess a lot of people would probably avoid coming to the Botanic Gardens.
Well it’s getting late, I'll continue on my experience tomorrow. Night!

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